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Nov. 6th - Nov. 9th

We have had a busy, yet not very exciting week at school. A lot of our time (over 5 hours) was spent doing FSAs. I am so proud of the grade 3s who were able to stay quiet during the FSA times. I am also proud of the grade 4s who were able to give each test their best effort, despite how difficult some parts were.

Yesterday, we coloured poppies to create a class wreath, and today it was presented at the Remembrance Day ceremony. In class this week, we watched videos and read stories to learn about Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies. One thoughtful question from a student was, "How does killing people help make our world more peaceful?" Though it was a tough question to answer, it lead to an interesting conversation about how some countries are different than Canada and why they still need to fight for peace.

Along with Remembrance Day history, we also started learning about subtraction with regrouping. The students have been working very hard to understand a tough concept in a short amount of time. While I have tried to teach a couple different methods to subtract large numbers, students have generally preferred the 'traditional' way. This unit has been difficult, but I have witnessed a lot of perseverance in our classroom.

Some of our students were fortunate to practice some coding this week. All of the grade 3s played coding games during two of the FSAs, and grade 4s were able to play after they completed their tests. It was awesome to see the dedication, determination, and collaboration among students as they tried to get their characters to complete certain tasks. Students definitely put their problem solving skills to the test. We also had a mini-discussion about how coding might be an important skill to have in the future, as well as all of the ways it gets used now.

We certainly had an unusual week. However, lots of learning came from those unique activities. I think we are all looking forward to next week and finally having a 'normal' week in our class.

Reminders: No school tomorrow, November 10th.

No school Monday, November 13th.

Curling forms and money due TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15

Purdy's Chocolate Fundraiser orders are due November 23

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