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October 30th - November 3rd

What an exciting week! Halloween and a pizza party sure led us to a fun week in the classroom. Despite the chaos, we were still able to get some learning in. During Writing, we learned about the difference between their and there, and how to use each one properly in a sentence. During Reading, we started to learn about character traits. During Math, we continued to practice addition with regrouping and finished our unit with a Math journal activity. We also worked on a Math and Social Studies combined project. This allowed students to discover how addition with large numbers can be used in real life. It also allowed students to explore the British Columbia map. Finally, for Art, we created 5-minute scribble monsters. We spent our regular Art block testing out the new school chromebooks - and good news everyone, they work!

This week, we have also had to ban paper airplanes from our classroom, as they have become very popular and very distracting. Throughout all of the craziness, we also had to discuss how to use whole body listening, why we need to use it, and when we need to use it.

Reminders - Curling forms and money due November 15th

FSAs start next week, see the Calendar for our schedule

No school Friday, November 10th or Monday, November 13th

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